X1E Lidar Cover

If you happen to see any of these kinds of errors when you unbox your BambuX1E, please have a look at the information below.

  • 1-2cm nozzle off the bed.
  • Machine doesn't locate the tool head to the correct position.
  • Front cover gets knocked off the print head.
  • Lidar Errors: Dirty Lenses codes, Cant read calibration board, Build Plate may not be properly placed, Filament Cutter Stuck, Homing Z-Axis failed
  • Printer purging nozzle away from the filament chute.
  • Layer shifts in prints.
  • Failed to calibrate Lidar

Cover to remove:

You will need to remove a shipping bracket that was not noted in the unboxing guide included with the printer. An updated guide is online found here: Linked Guide here. The cover is in the front right of the printer (as seen when facing the printer from the front glass door). It's part of step 5 on Bambu's unboxing guide for the X1E. The color and arrow present on this bracket may not be consistent, however it will be there on all X1E's.

If you have removed the bracket and get any of these errors, the guides to resolve those specific errors are here as well however you can also reach out to Support@matterhackers.com for troubleshooting support.

Helpful Tech Note: If any of these errors do not happen when printing with the preloaded models on the machine but does happen when printing your sliced models, make sure you're using the correct printer profile in Bambu Studio. You may be on an A-Series profile.

Nozzle doesn't calibrate or is offset from the bed during calibration:

If the nozzle stays about 1-2cm off the bed surface and shows an error regarding homing or calibration, this may be a cause of the shipping bracket.

Homing Z-Axis error:

This guide is specifically for the bed cable however the error code related to the "Homing Z axis failed" is also caused by the bracket noted in this guide. This has to do with the Lidar being used to detect the bed.

Printhead missing the Filament Chute

When the printer begins a print, it'll home the print head to the front and then heat and move to the chute. If the shipping bracket is still in the gantry, this will cause the print head to be offset and miss the chute. The printer can also hang up on other operations related to starting a print.

Lidar Errors alternative solutions:

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