How to Use Bambu Lab X1 without Lidar

How to Use Bambu Lab X-series with a Bad/non functioning Micro Lidar.

We must disable all features/functions that use the Micro Lidar.

Go into Bambu Studio within the Device tab at the top of Bambu Studio; the Icon is shown below.

Once inside the device tab at the upper right corner you will need to select the Print Options button as shown below.

Once you select the Print Options button a window will appear allowing you to disable the following: 

Build Plate Position Detection

First Layer detection

To Disable the Dynamic Flow calibration this will occur when starting a print from the screen on the X1 printer or when sending a print to the X-series printer via Bambu Studio. 

When starting a print from the screen on the printer you will need to deselect the Dynamic Flow Calibration on screen.

When starting a print from the Bambu Studio software you will need to deselect the Dynamic Flow Calibration from the “Send print job to” window that populates when you select the “Print plate button” as shown here.

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