RepRap.org has a great G-Code index of all commands and their compatibility with different versions of firmware:
Firmware Types:
- FiveD
- Teacup
- Sprinter
- Marlin
- Repetier
- Smoothie
- RepRapFirmware
- Machinekit
- MakerBot
- grbl
- Redeem
- MK4duo
G Commands:
- G0 & G1: Move
- G2 & G3: Controlled Arc Move
- G4: Dwell
- G6: Direct Stepper Move
- G10: Tool Offset, Retract
- G12: Clean Tool
- G17..19: Plane Selection (CNC specific)
- G20: Set Units to Inches
- G21: Set Units to Millimeters
- G22 & G23: Firmware controlled Retract/Precharge
- G26: Mesh Validation Pattern
- G28: Move to Origin (Home)
- G29: Detailed Z-Probe
- G29 Auto Bed Leveling (Marlin)
- G29 Unified Bed Leveling (Marlin)
- G29 Manual Bed Leveling (Marlin)
- G29 Auto Bed Leveling (Repetier-Firmware)
- G29 Auto Bed Leveling (RepRapFirmware)
- G29.1: Set Z probe head offset
- G29.2: Set Z probe head offset calculated from toolhead position
- G30: Single Z-Probe
- G31: Set or Report Current Probe status
- G31: Dock Z Probe sled
- G32: Probe Z and calculate Z plane
- Probe and calculate in Reprapfirmware
- Probe and calculate in Repetier firmware
- G32: Undock Z Probe sled
- G33: Firmware dependent
- G33: Measure/List/Adjust Distortion Matrix (Repetier - Redeem)
- G33: Delta Auto Calibration (Marlin 1.1.x)
- G38.x Straight Probe (CNC specific)
- G38.2 probe toward workpiece, stop on contact, signal error if failure,
- G38.3 probe toward workpiece, stop on contact
- G38.4 probe away from workpiece, stop on loss of contact, signal error if failure
- G38.5 probe away from workpiece, stop on loss of contact
- G40: Compensation Off (CNC specific)
- G42: Move to Grid Point
- G54..59: Coordinate System Select (CNC specific)
- G60: save current position to slot
- G61: Apply/restore saved coordinates to the active extruder.
- G80: Cancel Canned Cycle (CNC specific)
- G90: Set to Absolute Positioning
- G91: Set to Relative Positioning
- G92: Set Position
- G92.x: Reset Coordinate System Offsets (CNC specific)
- G93: Feed Rate Mode (Inverse Time Mode) (CNC specific)
- G94: Feed Rate Mode (Units per Minute) (CNC specific)
- G100: Calibrate floor or rod radius
- G130: Set digital potentiometer value
- G131: Remove offset
- G132: Calibrate endstop offsets
- G133: Measure steps to top
- G161: Home axes to minimum
- G162: Home axes to maximum
- M0: Stop or Unconditional stop
- M1: Sleep or Conditional stop
- M2: Program End
- M3: Spindle On, Clockwise (CNC specific)
- M4: Spindle On, Counter-Clockwise (CNC specific)
- M5: Spindle Off (CNC specific)
- M6: Tool change
- M7: Mist Coolant On (CNC specific)
- M8: Flood Coolant On (CNC specific)
- M9: Coolant Off (CNC specific)
- M10: Vacuum On (CNC specific)
- M11: Vacuum Off (CNC specific)
- M17: Enable/Power all stepper motors
- M18: Disable all stepper motors
- M20: List SD card
- M21: Initialize SD card
- M22: Release SD card
- M23: Select SD file
- M24: Start/resume SD print
- M25: Pause SD print
- M26: Set SD position
- M27: Report SD print status
- M28: Begin write to SD card
- M29: Stop writing to SD card
- M30: Delete a file on the SD card
- M30 in grbl
- M31: Output time since last M109 or SD card start to serial
- M32: Select file and start SD print
- M33: Get the long name for an SD card file or folder
- M33: Stop and Close File and save restart.gcode
- M34: Set SD file sorting options
- M35: Upload firmware NEXTION from SD
- M36: Return file information
- M37: Simulation mode
- M38 Compute SHA1 hash of target file
- M40: Eject
- M41: Loop
- M42: Switch I/O pin
- M43: Stand by on material exhausted
- M43: Pin report and debug
- M48: Measure Z-Probe repeatability
- M70: Display message
- M72: Play a tone or song
- M73: Set build percentage
- M80: ATX Power On
- M81: ATX Power Off
- M82: Set extruder to absolute mode
- M83: Set extruder to relative mode
- M84: Stop idle hold
- M85: Set inactivity shutdown timer
- M92: Set axis_steps_per_unit
- M93: Send axis_steps_per_unit
- M98: Call Macro/Subprogram
- M99: Return from Macro/Subprogram
- M98: Get axis_hysteresis_mm
- M99: Set axis_hysteresis_mm
- M101: Turn extruder 1 on (Forward), Undo Retraction
- M102: Turn extruder 1 on (Reverse)
- M103: Turn all extruders off
- M104: Set Extruder Temperature
- M104 in Teacup Firmware
- M105: Get Extruder Temperature
- M106: Fan On
- M106 in RepRapFirmware
- M106 in Teacup Firmware
- M107: Fan Off
- M108: Cancel Heating (Marlin)
- M108: Set Extruder Speed (BFB)
- M109: Set Extruder Temperature and Wait
- M109 in Teacup
- M109 in Marlin, Sprinter (ATmega port), RepRapFirmware
- M109 in Sprinter (4pi port)
- M109 in MakerBot
- M110: Set Current Line Number
- M111: Set Debug Level
- M111 in RepRapFirmware
- M111 in Repetier
- M112: Emergency Stop
- M113: Set Extruder PWM
- M114: Get Current Position
- M115: Get Firmware Version and Capabilities
- M116: Wait
- M117: Get Zero Position
- M117: Display Message
- M118: Echo message on host
- M118: Negotiate Features
- M119: Get Endstop Status
- M120: Push
- M121: Pop
- M120: Enable endstop detection
- M121: Disable endstop detection
- M122: Diagnose
- M123: Tachometer value
- M124: Immediate motor stop
- M126: Open Valve
- M126 in MakerBot
- M127: Close Valve
- M127 in MakerBot
- M128: Extruder Pressure PWM
- M129: Extruder pressure off
- M130: Set PID P value
- M131: Set PID I value
- M132: Set PID D value
- M132 in MakerBot
- M133: Set PID I limit value
- M133 in MakerBot
- M134: Write PID values to EEPROM
- M134 in MakerBot
- M135: Set PID sample interval
- M135 in MakerBot
- M136: Print PID settings to host
- M140: Set Bed Temperature (Fast)
- M141: Set Chamber Temperature (Fast)
- M142: Holding Pressure
- M143: Maximum heater temperature
- M144: Bed Standby
- M146: Set Chamber Humidity
- M149: Set temperature units
- M150: Set display color
- M155: Automatically send temperatures
- M160: Number of mixed materials
- M163: Set weight of mixed material
- M164: Store weights
- M165: Set multiple mix weights
- M190: Wait for bed temperature to reach target temp
- M191: Wait for chamber temperature to reach target temp
- M200: Set filament diameter
- M201: Set max printing acceleration
- M202: Set max travel acceleration
- M203: Set maximum feedrate
- M203 Repetier
- M204: Set default acceleration
- M204 Repetier
- M205: Advanced settings
- M205 Repetier
- M206: Offset axes
- M206 in Repetier: Set eeprom value
- M207: Calibrate z axis by detecting z max length
- M207: Set retract length
- M208: Set axis max travel
- M208: Set unretract length
- M209: Enable automatic retract
- M210: Set homing feedrates
- M211: Disable/Enable software endstops
- M212: Set Bed Level Sensor Offset
- M218: Set Hotend Offset
- M220: Set speed factor override percentage
- M221: Set extrude factor override percentage
- M220: Turn off AUX V1.0.5
- M221: Turn on AUX V1.0.5
- M222: Set speed of fast XY moves
- M223: Set speed of fast Z moves
- M224: Enable extruder during fast moves
- M225: Disable on extruder during fast moves
- M226: Gcode Initiated Pause
- M226: Wait for pin state
- M227: Enable Automatic Reverse and Prime
- M228: Disable Automatic Reverse and Prime
- M229: Enable Automatic Reverse and Prime
- M230: Disable / Enable Wait for Temperature Change
- M231: Set OPS parameter
- M232: Read and reset max. advance values
- M240: Trigger camera
- M240: Start conveyor belt motor / Echo off
- M241: Stop conveyor belt motor / echo on
- M245: Start cooler
- M246: Stop cooler
- M250: Set LCD contrast
- M251: Measure Z steps from homing stop (Delta printers)
- M260: i2c Send Data
- M261: i2c Request Data
- M280: Set servo position
- M290: Baby stepping
- M291: Display message and optionally wait for response
- M292: Acknowledge message
- M300: Play beep sound
- M302: Allow cold extrudes
- M303: Run PID tuning
- M304: Set PID parameters - Bed
- M304 in RepRapPro version of Marlin: Set thermistor values
- M305: Set thermistor and ADC parameters
- M306: Set home offset calculated from toolhead position
- M307: Set or report heating process parameters
- M320: Activate autolevel (Repetier)
- M321: Deactivate autolevel (Repetier)
- M322: Reset autolevel matrix (Repetier)
- M323: Distortion correction on/off (Repetier)
- M340: Control the servos
- M350: Set microstepping mode
- M351: Toggle MS1 MS2 pins directly
- M355: Turn case lights on/off
- M360: Report firmware configuration
- M365: SCARA scaling factor
- M366: SCARA convert trim
- M370: Morgan manual bed level - clear map
- M371: Move to next calibration position
- M372: Record calibration value, and move to next position
- M373: End bed level calibration mode
- M374: Save calibration grid
- M375: Display matrix / Load Matrix
- M376: Set bed compensation taper
- M380: Activate solenoid
- M381: Disable all solenoids
- M400: Wait for current moves to finish
- M401: Lower z-probe
- M402: Raise z-probe
- M404: Filament width and nozzle diameter
- M405: Filament Sensor on
- M406: Filament Sensor off
- M407: Display filament diameter
- M408: Report JSON-style response
- M420: Set RGB Colors as PWM (MachineKit)
- M420: Leveling On/Off/Fade (Marlin)
- M421: Set a Mesh Bed Leveling Z coordinate
- M450: Report Printer Mode
- M451: Select FFF Printer Mode
- M452: Select Laser Printer Mode
- M453: Select CNC Printer Mode
- M460: Define temperature range for thermistor-controlled fan
- M500: Store parameters in EEPROM
- M501: Read parameters from EEPROM
- M502: Revert to the default "factory settings."
- M503: Print settings
- M530: Enable printing mode
- M531: Set print name
- M532: Set print progress
- M540: Enable/Disable "Stop SD Print on Endstop Hit"
- M540: Set MAC address
- M550: Set Name
- M551: Set Password
- M552: Set IP address, enable/disable network interface
- M553: Set Netmask
- M554: Set Gateway
- M555: Set compatibility
- M556: Axis compensation
- M557: Set Z probe point or define probing grid
- M558: Set Z probe type
- M559: Upload configuration file
- M560: Upload web page file
- M561: Set Identity Transform
- M562: Reset temperature fault
- M563: Define or remove a tool
- M564: Limit axes
- M565: Set Z probe offset
- M566: Set allowable instantaneous speed change
- M567: Set tool mix ratios
- M568: Turn off/on tool mix ratios
- M569: Set axis direction and enable values
- M570: Configure heater fault detection
- M571: Set output on extrude
- M572: Set or report extruder pressure advance
- M573: Report heater PWM
- M574: Set endstop configuration
- M575: Set serial comms parameters
- M577: Wait until endstop is triggered
- M578: Fire inkjet bits
- M579: Scale Cartesian axes
- M580: Select Roland
- M581: Configure external trigger
- M582: Check external trigger
- M583: Wait for pin
- M584: Set drive mapping
- M585: Probe Tool
- M586: Configure network protocols
- M587: Store WiFi host network in list, or list stored networks
- M588: Forget WiFi host network
- M589: Configure access point parameters
- M590: Report current tool type and index
- M591: Configure filament sensing
- M600: Set line cross section
- M600: Filament change pause
- M605: Set dual x-carriage movement mode
- M665: Set delta configuration
- M666: Set delta endstop adjustment
- M667: Select CoreXY mode
- M668: Set Z-offset compensations polynomial
- M669: Set kinematics type and kinematics parameters
- M670: Set IO port bit mapping
- M671: Define positions of Z leadscrews or bed levelling screws
- M672: Program Z probe
- M700: Level plate
- M701: Load filament
- M702: Unload filament
- M703: Get Board Type
- M710: Erase the EEPROM and reset the board
- M750: Enable 3D scanner extension
- M751: Register 3D scanner extension over USB
- M752: Start 3D scan
- M753: Cancel current 3D scanner action
- M754: Calibrate 3D scanner
- M755: Set alignment mode for 3D scanner
- M756: Shutdown 3D scanner
- M800: Fire start print procedure
- M801: Fire end print procedure
- M851: Set Z-Probe Offset
- M851 in Marlin 1.0.2
- M851 in Marlin 1.1.0
- M851 in MK4duo 4.3.25
- M900 Set Linear Advance Scaling Factors
- M905: Set local date and time
- M906: Set motor currents
- M907: Set digital trimpot motor
- M908: Control digital trimpot directly
- M909: Set microstepping
- M910: Set decay mode
- M911: Enable auto save and set threshold voltages
- M912: Set electronics temperature monitor adjustment
- M913: Set motor percentage of normal current
- M914: Set/Get Expansion Voltage Level Translator
- M928: Start SD logging
- M997: Perform in-application firmware update
- M998: Request resend of line
- M999: Restart after being stopped by error